Carbon Dioxide Levels of 400 to 800ppm and Cannabis Plant Production

Описание к видео Carbon Dioxide Levels of 400 to 800ppm and Cannabis Plant Production

Carbon Dioxide Levels of 400-800ppm and Cannabis Plant Production

Professor DeBacco

CO2 levels of 400-800ppm
While 400ppm is normal atmospheric conditions elevating the levels above this will require the use of several pieces of equipment.
Goal is to increase the over plant yield

Equipment List
CO2 Source
Method of Delivery
Monitoring System
*Options discussed in other videos, this video focuses on the chosen range and its impact on the plants.

As the environment is enriched closer to the upper end of this range the use of high powered lights becomes more advantageous.
Under high light the plants become CO2 limited
Higher light can relate to increase in biomass

Target Range 400-800ppm
This enrichment level will cause the least amount of costs associated with purchasing CO2 no matter what source is selected
This level is also the easiest to achieve so this can be best for large growing areas and also small areas that have regular venting.

Consider Entire Environment
Assuming other plant factors and environment are not limiting there will be an increase in plant growth compared to atmospheric levels.

Cost to Benefit Ratio
There are different systems that can be set-up but a grower must consider the cost of the implementation of a carbon dioxide enrichment system and the expected rate of return on investment.
Comparing to a few cycles of normal atmospheric conditions can provide a good baseline for comparison.

Why select 400-800ppm
This can be an initial range chosen to check and make sure all systems are working well with minimum risk of waste.
Often this can be due to required ventilation to see how much CO2 is exhausted and how easy/hard it is to maintain an elevated level.
Also growers can see just how “air tight” their enclosures are.

Important if you are planting autoflowers because maximizing each day of the limited growing cycle is important.

Link to Lecture Slides:

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
Title: Carbon Dioxide Levels of 400-800ppm and cannabis production
CO2 levels of 400-800ppm
Cost to Benefit Ratio

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