Understanding India's Economic Rise | USISPF panel with Dr. Raghuram Rajan & Prof. KV Subramanian

Описание к видео Understanding India's Economic Rise | USISPF panel with Dr. Raghuram Rajan & Prof. KV Subramanian

USISPF's Malachy Nugent moderated a spirited discussion on "The Indian Boom: Understanding the Drivers of Rapid Economic Expansion" with Dr. Raghuram Rajan, former Governor, Reserve Bank of India and Prof. Krishnamurthy V Subramanian, Executive Director at IMF, at the Kellogg School India Business Conference 2024.

The panelists shared their personal journeys, drew from their experiences shaping India's economic policies, and delved into the fundamentals of the Indian economy, manufacturing landscape, and investment climate.

As the Strategic Partner of the Conference, USISPF is honored to have facilitated this enriching exchange. We extend our gratitude to the panelists, organizers, and audience for making this session truly unforgettable.

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