This will start very dark... but I promise it has a happy ending...

Описание к видео This will start very dark... but I promise it has a happy ending...

This will start very dark... but I promise it has a happy ending...

My program to help kids in foster care start their own business!

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Manny Lopez, an Irish, Latin, Native American, is on a mission in life to help entrepreneurs, orphans, and kids in foster care! Orphaned at 18 months himself, adopted and returned 7 times, grew up in a broken home, & homeless twice after starting his 1st business... yet lives a life focused on always being #TooBlessedToBeStressed!

Despite facing many challenges growing his company, since 2011, Manny's grown his network of influence to over 30,000 business professionals worldwide, spanning every continent that has a human population! From celebrities, musicians, artists, and actors... to doctors, attorneys, authors, and speakers... to non-profits, engineers, small business owners, & entrepreneurs, Manny has dedicated his professional career to pioneering the latest technology in lead generation & automation marketing.

Did you know that 2/3 kids in foster care end up dead or in jail by the time their 18? Manny believes mentorship & entrepreneurship are keys to keeping these at-risk youth off drugs, streets, and anything else that might distract them from greatness! Manny has a TV show called "From Orphan To CEO" where he teaches aged out kids in foster care how to start their own business!

Learn more about how you can get involved!

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