Брошенная мама на улице с опухолью и проволокой, стягивающей шею, просит помощи своим щенкам!

Описание к видео Брошенная мама на улице с опухолью и проволокой, стягивающей шею, просит помощи своим щенкам!

Abandoned mom on the street with tumor and wire tighten her neck asking for help her puppies!

Meet Glorie. She surely isn't in her glorie now.
She's seemly pregnant, wandering on the street, begging people for foods.
I can't get close enough to her to see the growth under her neck or obviously catch her.
She had an owner but maybe she was dumped on the street with a wire tighten her neck.
Poor girl just needs help.
Today was a good day to rescue Glorie. The sky was overcast but not raining.

#StrayPaws, #AmazingTransformation, #DogRescue


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