The Bizarre Story of how Atari Created Activision

Описание к видео The Bizarre Story of how Atari Created Activision

Only from the ashes of one company, can another rise in its place. At least, that's the story of how Activision or "Activision Blizzard" was created. By using unfair practices towards their employees at the time, Atari, the king of the gaming industry would inadvertently create their competitor and eventual successor. This... is that story... Enjoy!

Video Edited by: Exro
-Twitter:   / exrogays  

Video Guide:
0:00 - Introduction
0:55 - Background History
2:12 - Tensions Within Atari
3:40 - Rise of Activision
6:45 - Activision Today
8:00 - Conclusion


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🎵 Music by:
→ Retrowave - dimadjdocent
→ The World Next Door - Dream Fiend
→ Droid Bishop - The Algorithm (updated song)

This video talks about the history of Activision. This now titan of industry was created by 4 developers from an equally large titan in the 70s and 80s (Atari) as a means of fighting for their justified pay for game development, before unfortunately going down the same path over 40 years later.

I'm Vex0r! I make YouTube videos to entertain people. The Videos primarily involve various "episodes" on technology or Retro Tech, their impact on society and history, Retrospectives on retro pop-culture, and Non-Correlated Special videos, ranging from mysteries to top 5s/10s Sounds cool? If so then feel free to subscribe! Hope You Enjoy This Video!

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This Video Was Uploaded/Produced by Vex0r & Edited by Exro!


#Activision #Atari #Vex0r #retro


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