Hunga Ha'apai (Tonga) Eruption and Tsunami: The Geology Behind the Headlines

Описание к видео Hunga Ha'apai (Tonga) Eruption and Tsunami: The Geology Behind the Headlines

Glad to have you studying with me! I have more content in the works and I hope you'll enjoy it. For those that are interested, the best textbook out there is this one: However, it's a little old now (two of the authors have passed away) and if you prefer a newer textbook, I would recommend this one:

For other introductory geology lectures:    • Introduction to Geology  

On January 14, 2022 (January 15, 2022 UTM), Hunga Ha'apai Volcano explosively erupted and sent ash plumes 12 miles (19km) into the sky above the Kingdom of Tonga. A shockwave went around the world and a tsunami killed people as far away as Chile. Paul Day, Professor of Geology, explains the geologic context for many of the news headlines that have circulated since the eruption and tries to explain the known science behind this still-unfolding event.

For a more detailed discussion on the geology of back-arc basins, volcanic arcs, and subduction zones similar to the one at Tonga, please study with Professor Day as he gives his lecture on the Origin of Mountains:    • Geology 16 (Mountains)  

Also, check out my lecture on Volcanoes:    • Geology 7 (Volcanoes)  


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