Global Solutions Summit 2024 - Bill Gates Keynote

Описание к видео Global Solutions Summit 2024 - Bill Gates Keynote

In light of the recent quite dramatic cuts of overseas development assistance (ODA) in many key donor countries (Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands etc.) and, in parallel, a public discussion about the effectiveness of aid/attacks on aid by the far right, European governments and organizations have cut billions of developing funding amidst competing priorities in the last months at a time when poverty in Africa is worsening for the first time in a generation. Focusing on smart and proven investments in global development, this keynote will look at the following questions: What have we learned from years of development work? What is the next frontier of global development? How can we make sure that we don’t forget investing in the things that we know work in a time of complex overlapping problems? Why is now the time to invest? What is the opportunity?


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