Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion || Lets Play EP 9 - Protect Your Soldier Honor

Описание к видео Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion || Lets Play EP 9 - Protect Your Soldier Honor

So excited about this game Final Fantasy VII is my favorite series of all time

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 is a role-playing game in which players follow the story of Zack Fair, a soldier in the Shinra Electric Power Company's army. In this episode of the "Let's Play" series, the player is tasked with protecting their soldier's honor. This likely involves completing missions and challenges that test their skills and abilities as a soldier and possibly defending their reputation and integrity against challenges or threats. The game features an action-based battle system, character progression, and various customization options.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion || Lets Play EP 9 - Protect Your Soldier Honor

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