10 Commandments of Building a Man's Wardrobe

Описание к видео 10 Commandments of Building a Man's Wardrobe

Creating a perfect man's wardrobe isn't about following a prescribed list of items. It’s about having a method in place that guides you through creating a sense of personal style.

To help you navigate this I’ve created 10 commandments of building a man's wardrobe. These have evolved as I have built my wardrobe and I wish I had them when I started. It would have saved me a lot of time, and money… and looking like a bit of a prat.

CeeAreDee Sales Page: https://ceearedee.com/sales-list/

Jeans: https://benzakdenimdevelopers.com/?kt...

Chinos: https://prf.hn/l/Vldgdmj

T Shirt: https://prf.hn/l/meNO5RV

Chambray Shirt: https://prf.hn/l/NJ1n1ly

Denim Jacket: https://prf.hn/l/PJVx4kp

Leather jacket: https://prf.hn/l/wzGoGlb

Over shirt: https://prf.hn/l/vybMPQ2

Sweatshirt: https://benzakdenimdevelopers.com/col...

Andersen Andersen Sweater: https://shoplostfound.com/collections...

Overcoat: https://divisionroadinc.com/collectio...

Chelsea Boots: https://prf.hn/l/Xv5Y5ny

Sneakers: https://shoplostfound.com/collections...

Watch: https://prf.hn/l/WJb23Vj

Sunglasses: https://prf.hn/l/jW35B00

Hat: https://redcastheritage.com/collectio...

Scarf: https://www.americantrench.com/produc...


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