HOT NEWS!!! Nimbus ExaDrive DC100 Debuted as World's Largest Capacity SSD With 100TB Capacity

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HOT NEWS!!! Nimbus ExaDrive DC100 Debuted as World's Largest Capacity SSD With 100TB Capacity

The ExaDrive DC100 is protected with an unlimited endurance guarantee for five years and has a mean time between failures (MTBF) of 2.5 million hours. The company also mentions that there are embedded capacitors to protect buffered data in case of a sudden power loss. Similarly, the drive has encryption, multiple ECC processors, and a proprietary secure-erase feature to ensure data security.
"As flash memory prices decline, capacity, energy efficiency, and density will become the critical drivers of cost reduction and competitive advantage," said Thomas Isakovich, CEO and Founder of Nimbus Data, in a press statement. "The ExaDrive DC100 meets these challenges for both data centre and edge applications, offering unmatched capacity in an ultra-low power design."
Contrary to the ExaDrive DC100, Samsung's PM1643 includes a combination of 32 1TB NAND flash packages - each comprising 16 stacked layers of 512Gb V-NAND chips. The Samsung drive also has a Through Silicon Via (TSV) technology to interconnect 8Gb DDR4 chips, creating 10 4GB TSV DRAM packages - totalling 40GB of DRAM.


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Nimbus ExaDrive DC100 Debuted as World's Largest Capacity SSD With 100TB Capacity

By. Gadget Updates


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