
Описание к видео #BeTheMatch

The fraternity's national philanthropy is the bone marrow drive. For a patient living with leukemia or any other blood disorder, the odds of finding an appropriate match are already slim; their best chance of finding a matching donor lies within their own ethnic community.
Unfortunately, Asian donors make up just a small fraction of the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP). Because of this, every chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon hosts several bone marrow drives in conjunction with the Be the match foundation, the Cammy Lee Leukemia Foundation, and Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches, to inform, educate, and recruit potential marrow donors for the NMDP. By increasing the number of Asian donors in the national registry, Lambda Phi Epsilon hopes to better the chances of Asian patients finding donors that they are compatible with. You might be the match and also save a life!

You can save a life if your bone marrow matches someone that is diagnosed with leukemia and it's really easy to find out! The process to find a match is simple – just come to our drive and all we do is get a swab of your cheek and then send the swab back in to the marrow bone registry! That’s it!
With just a few minutes of your time, you can find out if you are eligible in saving not just one person but anyone suffering from blood cancers or other related diseases.


For those already in the bone marrow registry please feel free to come by our philanthropy event and make a donation which proceeds will go toward nonprofit organization, Be The Match!

Please feel free to visit http://Bethematch.org/Patient/Patient... for more information and if you are unable to come out to our drive then order a do-it yourself kit at home and send the match to the bone marrow center.

Thank you for all the support!


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