Will the Mity Kat bulldozer work after 50 years? [6 months of work!] Watch the series!

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its time to see if this machine will come back to life after all these years. is it the worlds smallest bulldozer? yeah it kinda is its... one of a rare breed very few produced and a handfull remain. there are some smaller tracked utitity machines but this has all of the trademark systems indicitive of a "Bulldozer"it was designed for hard work and built to last, no modern equipment compares in the means of longevity. none of that really matters much what does is the fact that this machine is still here and ive done the most good i could for it and im thankful to have been able to do it. and im proud of the skills i had to muster to accomplish this and i hope to inspire someone to pursue the difficult and leave easy to boring folk. thankyou all i will award the prize soon to the winner of the name contest.
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