Why Evolution is True and Why Most Americans Reject It

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Although the evidence for Darwinian evolution is not only massive, but drawn from many areas of biology and geology, the theory (and fact) of evolution as a naturalistic, unguided process is rejected by over 80% of Americans. This is unique, for no other scientific theory, like the germ theory of disease or the atomic theory, is so thoroughly scorned. Jerry Coyne, Prof. Emeritus of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago, will describe what the “theory” of evolution is, present some of the colorful and intriguing facts that support its truth, and briefly touch on the reasons why America, uniquely among First World nations, rejects Darwinism (hint: it’s not a lack of evidence). Fostering acceptance of evolution is important not just because it’s the foundational theory of modern biology, but because it’s a paradigm of how to adjudicate disputes using evidence rather than wish-thinking or faith—a skill sorely needed in today’s America.


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