10820白先勇清華文學講座1|第1講 白先勇:《紅樓夢》後四十回的悲劇力量—寶玉出家與黛玉之死

Описание к видео 10820白先勇清華文學講座1|第1講 白先勇:《紅樓夢》後四十回的悲劇力量—寶玉出家與黛玉之死

【L1A 影片內容】

Brief course description
Sponsored by TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, " Kenneth Hsien-Yung Pai Literature Lectures ", jointly held by the Center for General Education, Department of Chinese Literature and Language Center of National Tsing Hua University, will invite Professor Hsien-Yung Pai and numerous domestic and foreign scholars to lead students to explore the emotional world of Chinese cultural classics and its ideological connotation, appreciate the beauty of classic literature, broaden the horizons of ancient and modern culture, and cultivate the humanistic care ability of students.

♠課程資訊可參閱國立清華大學開放式課程網站(NTHU OCW),謝謝您 !♠
■ https://reurl.cc/j1o47Z
■ https://reurl.cc/GxOqoG。


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