Creating and Using Reactive Forms | Angular Forms | Angular 13+

Описание к видео Creating and Using Reactive Forms | Angular Forms | Angular 13+

In this lecture you are going to learn how to create a reactive form in Angular. We have already learned about template driven form in angular in great detail. Now, let's talk about reactive forms. Reactive forms are defined in a typescript class.

Unlike template-driven form, we define the structure of a reactive form in typescript class. Even the validation of a reactive form is done in typescript class. We still need to create the form using HTML but we can connect the HTML form with the reactive form defined in typescript class using formGroup directive.

Also, we define the form controls for a reactive form in the typescript class using FormControl class. and we can also set some default value for each form control by passing a default value to the FormControl() constructor.

let's learn about creating and using reactive form with an example, in this lecture.


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