PT2|馬尼拉房價竟然咁平 🫨|Airbnb 租樓新手教學需知 🏠|港人菲律賓買樓 🇵🇭

Описание к видео PT2|馬尼拉房價竟然咁平 🫨|Airbnb 租樓新手教學需知 🏠|港人菲律賓買樓 🇵🇭

在上一段中,我提到幾個月前購買了一處位於馬尼拉的物業。這次想跟大家分享我如何由購買到裝修過程,想知道樓價多少可以觀賞影片。同時,我也會介紹我在裝修和採購物資方面的經驗,以便將物業出租。由於內容較多,我會盡量簡潔明了,希望大家不要介意我講得快 LOL

In the previous segment, I mentioned that I purchased a property in Manila a few months ago. This time, I want to share with you the process from buying to renovating the property. If you’re curious about the property prices, you can check out the video. I will also discuss my experiences with renovation and sourcing materials for renting out the property. Since there's a lot to cover, I’ll try to keep it concise and clear, so I hope you don’t mind if I speak quickly. LOL

If you would like to see more photos of the unit
Instagram – @tahananstay

#菲律賓樓 #馬尼拉 #投資海外物業 #海外投資 #房地產 #投資 #移民 #退休生活 #新樓入伙 #被動收入 #財務自由 #裝修 #室內設計 #設計 #傢俬 #airbnb #馬尼拉旅遊 #philippines #manila #investing #property #propertyinvestment #migration #passiveincome #finance #financialfreedom #renovation #interiordesign #furniture

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