除夜の鐘 浄土宗総本山知恩院 Joya-no-kane (Bell Ringing on New Year’s Eve) Chion-in

Описание к видео 除夜の鐘 浄土宗総本山知恩院 Joya-no-kane (Bell Ringing on New Year’s Eve) Chion-in

◆「除夜の鐘」 総本山知恩院 2016年12月31日

新年を迎えるにあたり行われるこの行事は、1 年間で身に付いたすべての煩悩を払うことを目的としています。鐘は、われわれの抱く煩悩の数を表す108回つかれます。知恩院の鐘は、日本で最も有名な鐘の一つです。その大きさゆえ、17人の僧侶で鐘を鳴らします。僧侶は「えーいひとつ」「そーれ」との掛け声のもとに鐘をつきます。

Joya-no-kane (Bell Ringing on New Year’s Eve) Chion-in December 31st, 2016

Chion-in is the head temple of Jodo Shu (Buddhist Denomination) in Higashiyama-Ku, Kyoto.
Chion-in was built where Honen Shonin lived and practiced nenbutsu.

Joya-no-kane (Bell Ringing on New Year’s Eve)
As part of welcoming the new year, the purpose of this ceremony is to sweep away all of the desires that have accumulated over the course of a year. The bell is struck 108 times, which represents the number of desires that we hold. The bell at Chion-in is one of the most famous in Japan. Due to its size, it takes a team of seventeen monks to strike the bell, and each time the bell rings the monks can be heard shouting “Ee hitotsu” (One more!) and “sōre” (Now!).




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