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Scopri air up al link con il codice BARBASCURA15 per il 15% sulle bottiglie fino al 31.10

Scritto da Barbascura X e Jacopo De Luca
Revisione testi - Papucy
Riprese - Gabriele T.
Montaggio - Fabrizio Lo Feudo

Per approfondire i temi trattati:
1) Penis size: an evolutionary prespective- Carole Jahme - The Guardian
2) NADLER, R., & BARTLETT, E. (1997). Penile Erection: A Reflection of Sexual Arousal and Arousability in Male Chimpanzees. In Physiology & Behavior (Vol. 61, Issue 3, pp. 425–432). Elsevier BV.
3) Review Lecture: Mammalian mating systems. (1989). In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Sciences (Vol. 236, Issue 1285, pp. 339–372). The Royal Society. 
4) Brouwer, L., & Griffith, S. C. (2019). Extra‐pair paternity in birds. In Molecular Ecology (Vol. 28, Issue 22, pp. 4864–4882). Wiley. 
5) Díaz‐Muñoz, S. L., & Bales, K. L. (2015). “Monogamy” in Primates: Variability, Trends, and Synthesis: Introduction to special issue on Primate Monogamy. In American Journal of Primatology (Vol. 78, Issue 3, pp. 283–287). Wiley.
6) Petrie, M., & Kempenaers, B. (1998). Extra-pair paternity in birds: explaining variation between species and populations. In Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 52–58). Elsevier BV
7) Petersdorf, M., & Higham, J. P. (2018). Mating systems (primates). In The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology (pp. 1–5). Wiley.
8) Hohmann, G. (2015). Bonobos. In The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (pp. 1–5). Wiley.
9) Harcourt, A. H., Purvis, A., & Liles, L. (1995). Sperm Competition: Mating System, Not Breeding Season, Affects Testes Size of Primates. In Functional Ecology (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 468). JSTOR.
10) why did humans evolve big penises but small testicles? - The Conversation
11) Penis size and Morphology - CARTA
12) Brandon, M. (2016). Monogamy and Nonmonogamy: Evolutionary Considerations and Treatment Challenges. In Sexual Medicine Reviews (Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 343–352). Oxford University Press (OUP).
13) Stoller, M. (2002). In International Journal of Primatology (Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 697–699). Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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