A man asked his doctor friend to discharge his mother-in-law, who was dying, from the hospital

Описание к видео A man asked his doctor friend to discharge his mother-in-law, who was dying, from the hospital

"This old woman has lived long enough in this world, there is no need to save her," said the doctor as he left. But the nurse strongly disagreed, and that's what she did.

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Jodi opened her eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. It was twenty minutes past six. She realized she could sleep for another hour and a half. Relieved, she closed her eyes.
"Jodi!" to her great upset, she heard her stepmother's loud voice from behind the door. A second later, Farah entered her room with Molly in her arms. "She woke up again and came running to us," the woman said angrily, placing the little girl on the bed. "And your father and I have to sleep on our only day off!"

"But I have a shift at the hospital today," Jodi said. "I need to sleep too!"
The stepmother snorted. "You're young, you'll get plenty of sleep!" She left the room, slamming the door shut. Jodi sighed and pulled her little sister close.
"Shall we try to get some sleep, Molly?" she asked. The little girl nodded happily.
"I was scared to sleep alone," Molly confessed. "I came to mummy and daddy. Mummy woke up and started swearing that I was keeping them awake."
"Lie down," her big sister told her. "You're not scared with me, are you?"
"No," Molly joyfully replied. She climbed under her sister's side and instantly fell asleep.
Jodi, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. She lay awake for the rest of her sleep time, trying to count to 100 and imagining herself floating on a slow river or bobbing on a boat, but nothing helped. Careful not to disturb her sleeping sister, she took out her Internal Medicine book from the bedside table and continued reading. There was still a lot to learn before Monday.
Jodi worked as a duty nurse in the vascular surgery department. She got the job after her third year of studies, as soon as she passed her exams and obtained her certificate. The head nurse, Susan, carefully examined Jodi, a tall and thin girl with big green eyes and red hair braided into two pigtails.
"Have you worked as a nurse before?" Susan asked.
"Not yet," Jodi replied.
"I see. Do you know how to give injections and dressings?"
"We were taught during our practice."
"I know how they teach," sighed the head nurse. "It's okay, we have good girls here who will show you everything."
Jodi quickly adapted and learned the ropes. She wasn't a spoiled girl and was able to adjust to new circumstances. Jodi had lost her mother in a car crash when she was only 6 years old. After that, her father, Gregory, became withdrawn and spoke very little.
From the age of 7, Jodi took care of herself. She learned to wash, cook, and clean the house. Her father didn't pay much attention to her. He left for the factory early in the morning and returned late at night, eating whatever his daughter had prepared. Then he would sit on the sofa in front of the TV and fall asleep.
Gregory didn't show much interest in Jodi's school life, what she had eaten that day, or whether she needed money for new tights, pens, or notebooks. It was her grandmother who opened his eyes to this. Mary lived in another town and despite her advanced age, still worked as a teacher, which made it difficult for her to visit her son and granddaughter often. She came for the Christmas holidays and was astonished by what she saw. The flat was being kept tidy: the floors were washed, the dust was wiped, and there was pasta on the stove. But it was clear that it was all done in a childish way.


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