Entering the Kingdom by James Allen *HUMAN voice

Описание к видео Entering the Kingdom by James Allen *HUMAN voice

In seeking for pleasures here and rewards hereafter men and women have destroyed (in their hearts) the Temple of Righteousness and have wandered from the Kingdom of Heaven. By ceasing to seek for earthly pleasures and heavenly rewards, the Temple of Righteousness is restored and the Kingdom of Heaven is found. This truth is for those who are ready to receive it, and this book also is for those whose souls have been prepared for the acceptance of its teaching.
James Allen

Many would say James Allen's Teachings are mere 'self-help,' 'personal development,' or 'personal empowerment' tools, and those people would be right in their perception, for themselves, at the time they discover his profound works.

However, as any authentic Spiritual education is an upward spiral, the serious and astute aspirant will soon discover, upon repeated listening, that these Teachings can take one FAR beyond the self-ish, worldly desires and ambitions, the egoic needs, and the petty wants of the lower self.

Allen's Teaching is an eminently accessible path to Realisation, Enlightenment, and Liberation and if the 'letter and the spirit' are followed diligently, the Higher Life is available to all.


01:05 Foreword
01:42 Chapter 1: The Soul’s Great Need
05:28 Chapter 2: The Competitive Laws and the Law of Love
39:23 Chapter 3: The Finding of a Principle
01:09:08 Chapter 4: At Rest in the Kingdom and All Things Added

Narrated by: Andrew


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