Canon R5C Dynamic Range Test: See How Far Your Camera Can Go If Overexposed | XF-AVC vs HEVC vs Raw

Описание к видео Canon R5C Dynamic Range Test: See How Far Your Camera Can Go If Overexposed | XF-AVC vs HEVC vs Raw

In this video, I take a closer look at the dynamic range capabilities of the Canon R5C. It aims to show you how well the Canon R5C performs when it comes to capturing details in overexposed and high-contrast scenes.

We look at the differences between the various ISO settings, the two base ISOs, and compare XF-AVC vs HEVC/h.265 vs Raw to see which is the best for highlight retention.

With a variety of real-world examples, we demonstrate how well the camera performs in high-contrast and overexposed scenes, providing valuable insights for videographers.

I also share tips and tricks on how to make the most of the Canon R5C's dynamic range features, including setting adjustments and post-processing techniques. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the Canon R5C and its dynamic range capabilities

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