'Slap hakskeentjie' and wors recipe

Описание к видео 'Slap hakskeentjie' and wors recipe

Slap hakskeentjie and wors recipe of sorts

2 Eggs
2 teaspoons Colemans Mustard Powder
1g Salt
40g Vinegar
60g Sugar
400g Thin Wors
6 baby onions

-Light your kettle weber on a moderate heat
•⁠ ⁠Whisk together eggs, mustard powder, salt, vinegar, and sugar in a saucepan off the heat then transfer to an indirect heat and whisk continuously until thickened and will coat the back of a spoon then set aside
-Braai your coil of thin wors and char the baby onions before enjoying with a generous helping of sweet mustard

As a chef, Bertus advocates believing in what you do, as well as having faith and confidence in your produce. His commitment to great food made with fresh, local ingredients, and an acute attention to detail is the key to the culinary success for which he is highly regarded. He sees his work as an important responsibility – to express South African heritage, and creatively tell the stories of our history, our people and our food. His restaurants have been awarded prestigious accolades from the Eat Out guide and Rossouw’s Restaurant guide. Since 2007, his establishments have grown into a family of restaurants that now includes Chorus, Eike, Kantien, Spek & Bone, Geuwels, Clara’s Barn and De Vrije Burger.

Visit www.bertusbasson.com for more information.


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