The Falconer Predator - Yautja Explained (Predators)

Описание к видео The Falconer Predator - Yautja Explained (Predators)

Falconer was a Super Predator who Hunted on the Game-Preserve Planet alongside his clan-mates Berserker and Tracker.
Falconer Stands 7 feet 5 inches tall, and has Green and Beige skin, with Brown dreadlocks; he wears bronze coloured armour with a matching Bio-Mask, and a metallic glove on his left arm where a wrist-computer would normally be.
Falconer gets his name from his signature Drone which is a flying intelligence-gathering device he uses to scout ahead and locate Prey, which after taking off and scanning the environment, will circle back and return to him and perch either on his Falconers’ glove, or on his shoulder armour.
The Falcon itself is a small, self-propelled V-shaped craft.
On it can be seen a number of optical sensors which allow the Predator to see what it sees, as well as some exhaust-ports on the rear of the vehicle.
While it’s not seen directly to have any offensive use, a small blade can be seen mounted to one side of the fuselage, suggesting it may be able to attack as well.

It is probable that since these particular Super Predators learn from their Prey, that at some point in the past, this Predator had abducted and hunted an actual Human
Falconer, then taken inspiration from their hunting style, crafting himself a mechanical version of a bird.
In addition, the shape of Falconers’ biomask resembles the face of a bird of prey where it tapers inward like a beak.
It is unknown what Falconers face looks like since he did not remove his Bio-Mask, but seeing as he’s a Super Predator like Berserker,
it is most likely that he looks similar, except with different coloured skin.
Maybe also with smaller teeth and such, as he’s probably much younger than Berserker, since he wasn’t the dominant member, and was instead a follower.
Like the differences we see between a youngblood Predator like Scar and an
older more experienced Yautja like the Elder or the Wolf Predator.
It is speculated that Falconer was himself a Young-Blood and less experienced than his two comrades as he was slightly smaller in stature and lacked a Plasma-Caster unlike
Berserker and Tracker who were both seen with them, so he could have been a new member of the tribe and was out to prove himself.
Further evidence of this is that he doesn’t have any customisation on his armour or mask,
Whereas both his Allies have bones adorning their Bio-Masks and armour.
Although on the other hand, it could be argued he has no Plasma Caster simply because he has the Falcon Drone instead, and he simply chooses to keep his appearance more clean than the other two do.
If not counting his Falcon as a weapon, then he has only a Wristblade, and nothing else.
Falconers role in the group seemed to be that of a scout, who would survey the area ahead as he has the mechanical Falcon and was later seen to track the groups footprints.
When the Super Predators abducted the Humans, Falconer was the one who located them with his Drone, just before they unleashed the Hell-Hounds.
When they discovered the Super Predators camp and fled into a river, Falconer again used his Drone to re-establish a visual on them allowing the Hunting Party to continue tracking their movements.
When the Predators caught up with them once again, the Humans fought back, killing the Tracker Predator and injuring Berserker.
Berserker then sent Falconer after them. Using his vision mode on his Bio-Mask, Falconer picked up the trail and followed them,
where one of the group, a man named Hanzo, a member of a Japanese Yakuza, stayed behind and turned to face Falconer one on one with a Katana he’d picked up earlier.
Instead of killing the man while unseen, Falconer uncloaked himself and drew his Wristblade, and fought the Human honourably.
Falconer had the upper hand early on - drawing first blood; but after another round, Hanzo scored a blow on Falconers body.
The two went at it again, and Falconer and Hanzo inflicted fatal wounds on each other simultaneously, and both warriors fell.
So that was the Falconer Predators’ story from the movie Predators; Although he didn’t have as much screen-time as Berserker, he was still my favourite Super Predator from the film, because I think he has one of the coolest masks out of any predator ever, and I like how it resembles a bird of prey, matching his name.
He had a very unique weapon being the mechanical falcon, as this is something we’ve never seen before or since this movie, I think if they ever made a new game that is a spiritual successor to AVP Extinction, it would be really cool if they
had the Falconer as a unit type, like how Spear-Masters had the combi-stick and Hunters had the plasma caster etc.
I also think it would be cool if NECA would someday make new action figures of the Predators from Predators with better paint and articulation, and all the accessories with one figure. I remember getting the original one they did, and then the variant as well that actually came with the drone as an accessory.


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