TheMidnightGemini plays Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocké - Episode 1

Описание к видео TheMidnightGemini plays Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocké - Episode 1

Pokémon Casualties: 0
We begin our journey back in Hoenn! The rules are as followed:
1. If my Pokémon faint, I must deposit them in the graveyard box. I will be using them again when we tackle the Battle Frontier.
2. Whenever I enter a new route, my first encounter is what I must catch. Duplicates can be skipped until I encounter a new one.
3. No items can be used in Trainer Battles
4. Level-Caps will be used for Gym Battles
5. Nicknames must be used

For the Nuzlocké Portion we'll follow these rules, after clearing the game anything goes and we'll be clearing the Battle Frontier with the Pokémon we acquired during the Nuzlocké


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