JOHN LENNON & ELTON JOHN live Thanksgiving day, 28 nov 1974 (from a tv movie, not the real guys!)

Описание к видео JOHN LENNON & ELTON JOHN live Thanksgiving day, 28 nov 1974 (from a tv movie, not the real guys!)

On thanksgiving day, 2010, when I uploaded this video (starring Mark McGann as John Lennon, Kim Miyori as Yoko and Matthew Marsh as Elton, from the movie "John & Yoko, a love story") I never could imagine that on january 30, 2011, I would receive this message:

"I have an original super 8 (no sound) video of this. We were right side orchestra, 12th row, across from Yoko. Back then you could wait in line for tickets, and we went into the city the night before the sale. At 2AM they opened the windows and we walked away with that entire row. It was the best concert ever. I transferred the film to VHS when that was the new medium and added music. I'm sure there are others out there, but, like mine, the quality would not be up to today's standards." mommamaxx hace 1 mes

--Then I responded:
@mommamaxx I'd love to watch your footage!!! could you please upload it??

---@ulisesmavridis How do you upload from VHS? I still have the original super 8 also.

---Mary Ann, that is the name of this angel, said she was going to make the transfer with the help of her son.


Ok, I'll dig out the vhs and take another look at it. As I remember (we're going back 37 years here) the super 8 reels were only about 4 minutes, and I honestly don't remember how many I took. I do know I spliced them together into one reel. I'll enlist my son to help.

It really was the best concert. I never experienced that much joy at a show before or since. It's so great that Lennon's segment was released on the extended version of Elton's Here and There. (I've got my ticket stub taped to the original album cover.) Over the years, whenever I see one of the friends whom I was with that evening, the first thing he says is 'Man that was a good concert..."

---Yesterday, march 9, 2011 is the historic day when she emailed me saying the work was done:


Just wanted to let you know that with help from a new friend in Norway, and my son, I was able to convert and upload my original footage of Elton & Lennon at MSG in New York City on Thanksgiving 1974.

Mary Ann "

***God bless you Mary Ann, for sharing the video with the world! I wanted to share our messages with all youtubers, as a tribute, due to the historic importance of the result!------Ulises
Below, the original description of my video.

November 28th, 1974, Madison Square Garden, N.Y.

During an Elton John concert, John Lennon performed 3 songs (plus tambourine during the encore). Knowing that there is no original footage from this historical event, I was amazed when I watched Mark McGann as John Lennon performing "Wathever... " in the movie "John & Yoko, a love story" about 25 years ago. What I didn't liked then was that it was a cover version, not the original.
That was the only time I saw the movie, until someone uploaded it here in youtube about 2 years ago!. I downloaded the part with the MSG concert and replaced the audio with the John & Elton original audio. I also added at the end of the video some pics from different websites, even some photos whose owner said he borrowed his camera with Zoom lens to Yoko, who was sitting next to him at the concert, so she could see John closely. Then he asked her to take some pictures, while looking. I made this video for my own enjoyment, but being thanksgiving day I decided to upload it. Not John Lennon, not Yoko Ono, not Elton John, but the clip is a nice piece to enjoy for any beatle (and Elton) fan. Just relax and imagine you're watching them. Whathever gets you through the clip, s'alright!.

I'm not the owner of the video or the audio or the photos, they belong to their respective copyright owners.

I really enjoyed to watch the movie again. Certain moving scenes remained in my brain all these years:
1-when John & Yoko are in bed and she says "she hates me" referring to Kyoko, who decided to stay with his father instead of with her. and John replies "that's not true" and then he tells yoko a sad memory of his chioldhood and begins to cry.
2- When after various efforts and tryouts and miscarriages, Yoko gets pregnant and eventually Sean comes to this world. When the nurse appears to say: "he's a boy" and John jumps and kicks a wastebasket.
3-When somene asked an autograph to Beatle John in a park and a suprised Sean asks "who were the Beatles?"


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