Venice Carnival Grand Openings - Best of | Venezia Autentica

Описание к видео Venice Carnival Grand Openings - Best of | Venezia Autentica

This is our tribute to the beauty of #Venice and live events, and to all the art and entertainment workers around the world
You make our lives brighter
Thank you, from our hearts ❤️
On February 6, Venice started celebrating it's world-famous Carnival.

For the first time, however, the celebrations will be held entirely online due to the ongoing pandemic.

Indeed, with the covid19 crisis many things in our lives have changed.

One thing that has been completely wiped out are live shows and celebrations.

One might think that this means that we just have to give up on live performances and shows for a bit. Not too bad, right?

Unfortunately, it's much worse than that: since almost a year now, many artists, entertainers, their teams and their suppliers have all lost their job

As #Venice Carnival cannot happen today the way we know and love it - understandingly and righteously so - we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the people who make moments like this special.

Thank you for all the work and passion you invest in making us experience so many wonderful emotions.

We love your work, your passion, and we know that you will be back.
In the meantime, we think of you and enjoy our memories of the shows we were privileged to attend.


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