OMAKASE 大師SOLOMON 花藝教室 | 家居鮮花插花擺設| 新藝術風天堂鳥設計| Art inspired bird of paradise design | TUTORIAL

Описание к видео OMAKASE 大師SOLOMON 花藝教室 | 家居鮮花插花擺設| 新藝術風天堂鳥設計| Art inspired bird of paradise design | TUTORIAL

OMAKASE 大師SOLOMON 花藝教室 | 家居鮮花插花擺設| 新藝術風天堂鳥設計| Art inspired bird of paradise design | TUTORIAL

靈感來自奧地利藝術家Klimt的裝飾性新藝術風格,這次OMAKASE會為尋常的天堂鳥帶來閃耀的光芒! 配上小蕙蘭、掌、和洋蔥花,一抹20世紀初的新藝術氛圍瞬間充滿整個空間!這次還會同大家分享如何在沒有花泥的情況下固定粗枝花材!不能錯過!
Inspired by the decorative style of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt, our OMAKASE this time transports us back to the artsy atmosphere of the early 20th century. We are using stately strelitzia, anthurium, mini cybidium and allium in a open amber jar, this artistic composition adds glamour to every room!

SOLOMON BLOEMEN OMAKASE提供大師花材包連教學視頻,每週更新一次,設計每次不同,開始至今巳有超過80個精彩設計! Learn to be an expert! 97307477
From our Weekly flower menu. Tutorials and designs are updated every week!
TEL. 97307477

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