How to Create a Glitch Effect in After Effects

Описание к видео How to Create a Glitch Effect in After Effects


Want to create a cool glitch effect for your videos? It’s time to throw on a hoodie and your favorite Guy Fawkes mask, because we’re taking down the SYSTEM! Or, more accurately, we’re making a great glitch template in After Effects.

In this tutorial, Nick Greenawalt—a fantastic Philadelphian freelancer—shows you how to use After Effects to built a simple and effective video glitch that can be applied to just about anything.e

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ick Greenawalt (00:00): Glitching. Ain't easy. Actually it can be today. We're going to create a glitch effect template that will work with any image or video.

Nick Greenawalt (00:17): Hi, I'm Nick Greenawalt motion designer, online teacher and all around chill guy. Have you ever been hacked or maybe you're the one doing the hacking either way glitch effects, like this are very popular in today's cyber world. So in this tutorial, we're going to make this glitch effect that you can set up once and then drop over any footage. The great thing about this template is that we're going to have some control over the variables. Once we set it up, once you create it, you can make your glitch as subtle or chaotic as you'd like. Here's what we're going to learn, how to add distortion, using a displacement map, how to shift color channels, set up sliders to change these effects easily building a reusable glitch template. Make sure to check out the link in the description and you can snag the project files that will help you get the most out of this lesson. Let's check it out

Nick Greenawalt (01:22): To get started. I'm going to drop in my source image. This can be whatever you want an image, video, text, whatever I'm going to use. This school of motion logo. And we can go ahead and pre compose this stuff, call this composition source. So now that this image is pre composed, we can change whatever is inside this composition in the future without messing up our effect. Okay? So now we want to create some distortion, which is going to drive this Glitch effect, and we want this distortion or noise to be on a new layer so that we can reference it in the future easily with an adjustment layer. So let's make a new solid call. This noise, make it the size of our comp color. Doesn't matter. Okay. We're going to add an effect called fractal noise. Cool. So let's set the type to block and bump up the contrast a little bit to give it some defined shapes.

Nick Greenawalt (02:34): And I'm going to open up the transform properties here and uncheck uniform scaling this way. I can stretch out the width like this, so it gets real nice and wide. That's good. And let's scroll down to the evolution options, and this is what we want right here. Random seed. You can see if I scroll through this, it starts to dance like this. Now we want to of automate this right here. So I'm going to alt click on this random seed stopwatch and type in a little expression time times, and then we can type in whatever number we want. Let's say 15. So now if I press play, you can see, this is just running through this random seeds, the higher number you type in the faster it's going to cycle lower number slower, that change rate. Now let's go ahead and hide this noise layer. You can see nothing's happening. That's okay. Let's make something happen. We're going to right. Click make a new adjustment layer and add a displacement map.

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