a productive day in the life | startup update, marathon training, cooking

Описание к видео a productive day in the life | startup update, marathon training, cooking

a life update :) I'm back!

Check out the LG Monitor!
LG.com https://bit.ly/4fnx5AD

If you’re a developer checkout my startup (for free!) www.palmier.io


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💰Let's both get 4.8% APY on your High Yield Savings Account! (I use this) https://www.wealthfront.com/c/affilia...
📱 All my equipment!! https://www.amazon.com/shop/marcosric...
📓 Papier Notebooks get $10 off!: https://mention-me.com/m/ol/gv2yx-mar... or code 'Marcos Rico Peng' at checkout!

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Some links are affiliate links which I may get a kickback from. They are at no extra cost to you but support me greatly :)


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