Topik Exam_제83회 TOPIK 1 한국어능력시험 기출문제_토픽 1 _듣기시험_Listening_Past TOPIK Questions.- The Timer - PDF

Описание к видео Topik Exam_제83회 TOPIK 1 한국어능력시험 기출문제_토픽 1 _듣기시험_Listening_Past TOPIK Questions.- The Timer - PDF

#Korean_grammar #Korean_listening #Topikexam
I'm Grace, your native Korean teacher.

I uploaded Past TOPIK Questions.
(Test of Proficiency in Korean.)

It's the listening part.
The correct answer sheet for this question has been uploaded to my blog.
and I also share the PDF file (듣기 Listening, 쓰기 Writing, 읽기 Reading),
please refer to it.

You can check out your Korean listening skills.
If you read the sentences in the topic test,
you can know your Korean learning direction,
and you can measure your ability to speak Korean.
Please focus on what Korean sentences are used.


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