Common Korean Mistakes 늦잠 자다 Vs 늦게 자다 | Korean Vocabulary Lesson

Описание к видео Common Korean Mistakes 늦잠 자다 Vs 늦게 자다 | Korean Vocabulary Lesson

Learn how to use 늦잠 자다 and 늦게 자다 with Korean vocabulary lesson. In this Korean vocabulary lesson you will learn how to use the Korean expression 늦잠 자다 and 늦게 자다. Both phrases are relate to ‘sleeping’ and learning difference between 늦잠 자다 and 늦게 자다 is important. This Korean vocabulary video includes the Korean expressions 늦다, 늦게, 늦잠, 자다, plus example Korean sentences.

00:00 Introduction
늦게 자다 Vs 늦잠 자다

00:36 늦게 자다
늦게, 늦다+게, 자다

01:57 늦잠 자다
늦잠, 늦+잠, 자다

04:11 Summarize

04:26 Practice

04:33 Answers

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