“Patria oppressa” from Verdi’s MACBETH

Описание к видео “Patria oppressa” from Verdi’s MACBETH

The final entry in The Great Verdi Chorus Showdown is “Patria oppressa” from Verdi’s 1847 opera, MACBETH, led by Sir Andrew Davis with the Lyric Opera Chorus and pianist Noah Lindquist. Full of nostalgia and national pride, this Shakespeare-inspired chorus finds Macduff and his troops camped along the Scottish border, mourning their exile and worrying over the fate of their country under Macbeth’s rule.

To learn more about MACBETH (onstage at Lyric September 17-October 9, 2021) and to cast your vote in The Great Verdi Chorus Showdown, visit https://lyricopera.org/verdi. Voting closes at midnight on July 31.


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