All-embracing Love and Supply for Everyone

Описание к видео All-embracing Love and Supply for Everyone

This lecture, given by Frank Prinz-Wondollek was filmed on November 16th 2012 at the State Library Theatre in Perth.

It explores spiritual ideas that help people to experience abundance and lasting love in their lives, regardless of circumstances.

"Do you realize that each one of you here is indescribably precious, unique, and loved? Do you in fact know that you are in reality rich and that you live in abundance? I'd like to show you today how you can have this feeling of being loved and to have the inner conviction that you are precious and unique, and so you can experience abundance." - Exerpt from the lecture.

About the Lecturer:

By reading and applying the spiritual ideas found in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Frank Prinz-Wondollek experienced freedom from daily problems and addictions, such as the use of medication, relationship problems, smoking, and soft drug use.

At first, though, he was skeptical about physical healings, as he had grown up using traditional medicine. Through his own first healing obtained through scientific mental prayer alone—of acute chronic pain in both Achilles tendons—this skepticism melted into a deeper understanding that a higher spiritual law underlies life. The joy that followed was overwhelming and lasting. This is why he likes to focus on recognising that freedom in his lectures by showing the applicability of Christian Science.

Frank studied law in Hamburg and worked as a lawyer there for a few years before devoting himself completely to spiritual healing through Christian Science. He has been working in Hamburg as a full-time Christian Science practitioner for many years.

He has learned through experience that many people are searching for spiritual answers and solutions to life's challenges and that the universal, practical, spiritual laws explained by Christian Science can be applied and learned by anyone.

This lecture was sponsored by the Christian Science Church in Perth. Our website is

We are a part of a worldwide movement of Christian Scientists; individuals striving to understand and demonstrate the practical spirituality that Jesus taught. To understand more about Christian Science check out


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