Summer Book Club - Life Skill - stop doing what doesn't work OR stop trying to make fetch happen

Описание к видео Summer Book Club - Life Skill - stop doing what doesn't work OR stop trying to make fetch happen

How many times do I need to learn this particular life skill? apparently quite a few times. Sometimes the stress in our lives comes from repeating actions / patterns and hoping for a different outcome. For anyone who watched Mean Girls - 'stop trying to make fetch happen'.

Taking a moment to pause and consider is what I'm doing working? if not taking steps to consider alternatives which might work is an important life skill and can be crucial about helping people to move through mediation for their divorce / separation. In mediation, people can fall back into the communication / negotiation patterns that they used during the adult relationship.

Chances are these patterns even if they worked during the relationship, they will typically not work as people separate and divorce. Mediation is an opportunity for a reset in how to communicate / negotiate.

If you want to learn skills to coach yourself through your divorce / separation mediation then check out Map the Maze


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