Описание к видео YOKE

Found this track backed up on SD. It's well over a year, maybe two years or a little more, old now. It is definately in the box to some degree, most probably noodling on a Roli Seaboard with Equator and/or using it with some external elements... though it's on SD so possibly was going through some other equipment to get it to disc. The date on the wav file was the default - unset - date of an older Tascam SD recorder I use sometimes, so said 2001 or something unrealistic like that and I definately didn't have the Tascam back then... not even sure if SDs existed then, probably not.

The track is called Yoke, as although it sounds okay, the Roli was bricked in a software update, soon after the SB2 came out, so it is a bit of a tale of warning that although the in the box world appears to offer much, and the hybrid approach, SB/Equator, etc., that you can be switched off at a moments notice, whether that be due to a software update, SW licence expiry, or whatever. So really if you use this type of equipment or the in the box hybrid approach you don't own it, they do, it's a yoke on your shoulders till they're done with you.

Damn I miss the Roli sometimes but don't want to make the same mistakes, so it has to be real hardware now and going forward and has been for sometime.

Recording date: Unknown but between 1 and 2 years I think.


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