Roaring 2020s ( RenaiDance) – Gogol Bordello

Описание к видео Roaring 2020s ( RenaiDance) – Gogol Bordello

A couple of life-loving performers of GB extended familia get together to retranslate their quest for light & humor in the dark hour. Sending love & healing vibration across all nations. (Feat. Katheryn McGaffigan, Foxie Miss Moxie,Victoria Espinoza
Directed by Oleg Rooz
Camera by Alejandro Neira and Eugene Hutz
Mix by Rob Odea, Pedro Erazo and Eugene Hutz

The show is on the road again. We can not wait to see your glowin faces, And to service Gogol community by sharing the life-loving spark within us. Needless to say it is our time of common people to be the most commonsensical. Please continue taking care of each other, physically and psychologically.

We never knew
We never knew
The Spanish flu
The Spanish flu
Of 1919
But what we know
Not so far off
And we are ready
for pay off
For Roaring 2020-S
To begin

If the history
Repeats itself precisely
You won’t have to be
A Casualty
Of DisInfo World War 3

You just gotta figure out a tune
To whistle through this
Whistle through all missiles
Duck but keep your stance
You just gotta figure out
Your way to wiggle all the way
To the RenaiDance

The Roarin 2020-S

And like a salmon
up the stream
You work your fin
I work my fin
In hot hopes
Of blessed cretin
And like a Hodja Nasreddin
Inside of Crepdishin Machine
News cartel takes you for a spin
And there is still a little chance
A tiny tiny little chance
Things are just like
what they seem…
And are you ready ?
I am ready !
Are you ready ?
Waxed & ready
For Roaring 2020-S to kick in !

If the history
Repeats itself precisely
You won’t have to be
Of DisInfo World War 3

You just gotta figure out a tune
To whistle through this
Whistle through all missiles
Duck but keep your stance
You just gotta figure out
Your way to wiggle all the way
To the RenaiDance

If you can keep
That beat inside your head
When everyone is losing theirs
From what they’ve heard and read
If you keep on humming
hymns of resilience
Hey brother sister
We gonna need you
When it comes to that RenaiDance

You just gotta figure out a tune
To whistle through this
Whistle through all missiles
Duck but keep your stance
You just gotta figure out
Your way to wiggle all the way
To the RenaiDance


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