The Sims 3 Cheats

Описание к видео The Sims 3 Cheats



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motherlode - Gives you $50,000

kaching - Gives you $1,000

moveobjects on/off - With this On, it will allow you to move anything, including Sims, in your Buy/Build mode

help - Lists all available commands at the moment.

jokePlease - Gives you a joke in the code console prompt.

quit - Like it says, quits the game.

fps on/off - Shows your Frame per Second in the upper right area while on.

testingcheatsenabled true/false - Turns on Testing Cheats, just shift+click a Sim, or anything else, like your Mailbox. I forgot to show that, you can raise your sims mood bars by clicking and dragging the colors inside the bars forward or backwards... Y'know? Same goes with relationships and yeah.. Sorry if that didn't make sense, lol.

resetSim (firstname) (lastname) - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home.

constrainFloorElevation true/false - Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, fl oors, and objects will move with the terrain.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off - When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding alt.

hideHeadlineEffects on/off - Hides all meters and effects in the game, such as the plumbbob and skill meter.

fadeObjects on/off - Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.

slowMotionViz (level) - Puts the game in slow motion. Optional parameter, value 0 = normal speed and 8 = slowest.

unlockOutfits on/off - Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. This must be enabled before going into CAS.

fullscreen on/off - Adjusts your game screen to full or windowed mode.

Familyfunds (lastname) (amount of money you want) - gives family amount of money requested do not add () - In order for this cheat to work, you need to turn on testingcheatsenabled true.

Unlimited Lifetime Happiness - Type testingcheatsenabled true ON THE MAIN MENU, and then enter your game. Once your game has loaded, open up the Lifetime Happiness tab. Hold Ctrl and left/right click in between the treasure chest and the numbers. You have to click a certain spot, which is the middle. If you can't find it, just spam until your lifetime happiness points goes up!

If anyone even reads the description... I uploaded a couple of sims on the Sims 3 website for their hairs only. These sims have no custom content at all except for the hairs. I did not create any of these hairs! I only uploaded them because I hate using custom content except for hair, and I don't like downloading from other websites haha..

#Sims3Cheats #TS3Cheats #TheSims3 #TS3


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