Josh McCaffrey: Veteran and Expert Pack Maker

Описание к видео Josh McCaffrey: Veteran and Expert Pack Maker

EXPERT PACK MAKER: Josh McCaffrey, Mission Product Developer and United States Veteran

At the heart of our backpack design philosophy lies a deep consideration for its impact on the human body. It's a challenge that's hard to grasp unless you've lived through it.

"As a product developer, my work involves designing and building prototypes. Drawing from my experiences enriches my approach because it gives me insight into what will endure and what might fail. I strive to enhance comfort, ensuring that future users won't find themselves in situations like mine, struggling to keep their arms from going numb and worrying about how they are going to keep this rifle from hitting the ground.”

Following the call to Service is undeniably challenging—it epitomizes the highest form of sacrifice for one's country.

In that spirit, we express our deepest gratitude to those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day.


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