Lexus IS 250 steering rack problem (solved)

Описание к видео Lexus IS 250 steering rack problem (solved)

Lexus IS 250 steering rack fault which started with a very slight rubbing noise which I just thought was from the tyres, then over a month or so later I had a grinding noise which you can hear on the video and trying to drive it was terrible as you could not control the car. It felt worse than having no power steering and when you turned the wheel it would go to far to the opposite side.

Then about a week later after not driving the car anymore and leaving it on the drive but keeping the engine turned over to stop the battery from going flat before they could pick the car up for repairs, the steering locked up and you could not move it.

It turned out to be the steering rack and as you can see from the video it had a crack in the outer casing. The steering rack is electric with an electric motor so has no steering fluid. I had it replaced which cost around £400 including a 2nd hand rack and having the car towed from my home address. The job took around 3 hours of labour. The rear wheel drive Lexus IS 250 steering rack is much easier to replace than the AWD Lexus. My Lexus is a 2008 model with around 130k miles on the clock.


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