
Описание к видео JK羅琳被抵制,哈利波特照樣紅?慘遭演員、粉絲切割,她到底做了什麼?爭議始末一次看!|志祺七七

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▹ 《芒狗狗在哪裡?》每天都想玩的尋寶遊戲書

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#JK羅琳 #霍格華茲的傳承 #哈利波特

00:00 開頭
01:22 【芒狗狗Man go pup】廣告段落
02:02 原本的JK羅琳:性別觀念進步的魔法教母
02:57 JK羅琳說了什麼:跨性別女性 ≠ 女人?
03:55 反駁羅琳的意見:「跨性別女性就是女人」
04:40 抵制潮1:從全面抵制,到切割羅琳?
05:51 抵制潮2:公司團體,直接神隱羅琳?
07:15 抵制羅琳,根本沒用?
08:18 很多人根本不想抵制羅琳?
09:21 抵制羅琳這件事,大家怎麼看?
10:57 我們的觀點
12:01 提問
12:18 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→Pushing Buttons: ‘We can survive without it’ – the gamers boycotting Hogwarts Legacy:https://bit.ly/3SNMBuT
→J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues - J.K. Rowling:https://bit.ly/3kPMi6a
→People are boycotting Hogwarts Legacy because of J.K. Rowling and so am I - Alexander Brown | The Scotsman:https://bit.ly/3SGMuBr
→The ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ J.K. Rowling Boycotts Were A Mistake:https://bit.ly/3JavEb5
→What Canceling J.K. Rowling Means for the Harry Potter Generation - World News - Haaretz.com:https://bit.ly/3ml8R3g
→Why was J.K. Rowling canceled? The 'Harry Potter' author's controversies explained.:https://yhoo.it/3YiGlN0
→Should J. K. Rowling and the Harry Potter franchise be boycotted due to her recent transphobic tweets? Why or why not? - Quora:https://bit.ly/3ZwHXUV
→Opinion | J.K. Rowling and Trans Women: A Furor - The New York Times:https://nyti.ms/41It8Qe
→A Letter on Justice and Open Debate:https://bit.ly/3KRmH7u
→Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Has Not Been Canceled:https://bit.ly/41Eg52v
→Why Daniel Radcliffe Spoke Up Against J.K. Rowling’s Transphobia: ‘I Needed to Say Something’:https://bit.ly/3YfuNKu
→J.K. Rowling reveals past abuse and defends right to speak on trans issues | Reuters:https://reut.rs/3kLhbsI
→Boycott of Harry Potter video game backfires | Fortune:https://bit.ly/3EU3Epr
→Harry Potter books prove UK lockdown hit despite JK Rowling trans rights row | Bloomsbury | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3mnVTSo
→Harry Potter fan sites distance themselves from JK Rowling over transgender rights | Gender | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3YaYrAs
→Why is JK Rowling speaking out now on sex and gender debate?:https://bit.ly/3kBjX3L
→最新言論挨轟恐跨、地址被肉搜,J.K.羅琳爭議不斷,連《怪獸 3》預告都沒有她的名字?:https://bit.ly/3kLhjsc
→受J.K.羅琳爭議牽連 《霍格華茲的傳承》遭跨性別社群抵制 :https://bit.ly/3J8sx36
→J.K. 羅琳掀起的一場性別大戰:我們都應該問「到底誰是女性?」|性別力 Gender Power:https://bit.ly/41EIlly

【 延伸閱讀 】

→Judith Butler 談文化戰爭、JK羅琳和「生活在反智時代」:https://bit.ly/3mjQsDS
→Elliot Page speaks out for the first time since trans disclosure:https://bit.ly/3kPDFsl
→Judith Butler: ‘We need to rethink the category of woman’ :https://bit.ly/3y9MAb6
→Why is the idea of ‘gender’ provoking backlash the world over?:https://bit.ly/3ZDmHvZ
→Feminists like me aren't anti-trans – we just can't discard the idea of 'sex':https://bit.ly/3J69MNV
→Perspectives on sex, gender and the body:https://bit.ly/3kFUCp5
→Saim Sadiq on his banned trans love story, Joyland: ‘We spend our lives trying to hide our desires’:https://bit.ly/3SJkxZC
→UK's only trans philosophy professor to JK Rowling: Harry Potter helped me become a woman | Open University | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3SNNJP9


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