How to Manage Your Stress

Описание к видео How to Manage Your Stress

Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
   • The ONE Thing Every Christian Should ...   -~-
We live in a time that everyone is overwhelmed, burned-out, and STRESSED OUT! So how do you manage stress……That’s our topic today on the Beat!


1. Master the power of NO or Not Now – (it’s not a sin to say NO…some of us need to get that revelation quick!) (JUST SAY NO).

A major reason why we often feel overwhelmed and stressed is because we struggle saying NO to people. In John 11 – A woman named Mary comes to Jesus and says, “Jesus, my brother, your boy Lazarus is about to die! We need you RIGHT NOW!” To which the Scripture says, “So when He heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.”

Notice that what was an emergency for Mary did not have to become an emergency for Jesus. (EVERYONE’S EMERGENCIES DON’T NEED TO BE YOURS). Often times we allow other people’s deadlines to dictate our schedules and we struggle to say NO or NOT now because we are often driven by our intense desire to gain the approval of people.

2. Be clear on your Purpose and Priorities – Mk. 1:35-39

When you’re not clear on your purpose, what ends up happening is that you get pulled in 100 different directions, none of which are related to your purpose or your priorities.

In Mark 1, Jesus is healing people and casting out demons left and right. And one morning he sneaks away to pray and his disciples find Him and say, “Everyone is looking for you” (in other words, they wanted Jesus to heal them). To which Jesus essentially said, “I’m not here just to heal people I’m here to preach the word of God” and they went to another town. (Jesus performed miracles often times to get people to pay attention to His message)

Jesus was clear that His primary purpose was to preach. The more you know your specific purpose the more your life can be focused in one direction.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of your top 3 priorities and then assess how much of your life is spent accomplishing your top 3. If it’s not much then you will quickly experience burnout, you’ll feel out of control, which naturally creates stress.

3. Identify your help – Mt. 14:13-21

One of the MAJOR reasons why many of us are so stressed out/burned out is because we don’t tap into the help that we have around us. In Matthew 14 the disciples are like, “There’s too many to feed we need to send them away.” And Instead of Jesus trying to feed over 5000 people Himself (even though we know He could have) Jesus says, “(Don’t send them away…YOU all feed them.”)

Our natural instinct at times is to start feeding 5000 instead of looking at ways other people can help us feed 5000. (because we don’t trust people to do it as well as us) And as a result we end up not doing much of it very well.

ACTION STEP: Identify the people God has placed around you that can lighten your load; educate them, equip them and then empower them. Train them and then trust them to do it.

4.Schedule your REST – Mark 6:3
(have you ever been so busy you’ve not even had enough time to eat?) Jesus and His disciples were so busy that at times they didn’t even have time to EAT! And so Jesus’ solution for this is not to grab a red bull, man up and keep it moving. Instead He says to come away WITH ME and rest. You need to be INTENTIONAL about setting aside specific times each week designed for you to rest, relax and recharge. When we consistently fail to have these times we feel depleted, overwhelmed and burned out. Put them on your calendar because if not these times will get replaced with other conflicting activities. If you don’t you will always be giving out and not experiencing a recharge which leaves you feeling depleted, overwhelmed and stressed.

I want to encourage you to apply the 30-day principle – If it’s not going to matter 30 days from now then it’s not worth stressing about today.

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