BenQ Zowie U2 and EC2-CW Review (Zowie Wireless)

Описание к видео BenQ Zowie U2 and EC2-CW Review (Zowie Wireless)

Finally got to check out Zowie wireless and it seems all good with in game testing, along with the usual other tests... debounce I think is 2ms on the U2 and 4ms on the EC2 (older tech). Make sure they're set to fast mode by turning them off, holding in mouse 4 (side button) and then turning them on. Anything under 4ms is fine for me so I don't test too much, just the bump test.

The U2 shape isn't that "new", I'd say it's a modified S2, which is a modified FK2. That's bad in the sense that we want new shapes, but good because the FK2 shape is amazing and this just builds on that, catering to a different niche (claw grippers, in this case).

Overall experience is good, I gotta say I'm a Zowie fan, I missed these mice, they were such a big part of the channel over the years because I mained the EC2, then the FK2, then the S2, so they'll always have a special place for me.

Would I buy them these days? Yeah I like the quality and the charging dock is really nice, but it depends on shape and size. I go for smaller mice these days, so they're a bit big for me. If they suit your hand size though, then awesome, see if you can find a shape you like!

You might need to wait until they update their lines to wireless though, not sure how long that'll take, but I'm hearing the FK2 Wireless is next.

And BenQ wanna see how much traffic I get from these videos, so click the links below for more information to help inspire them to send me more mice like the FK2 Wireless (they're not affiliate links, just traffic trackers)...
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Zowie EC2-CW:

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