Sidha Kunjika Stotram | सिद्दहकुंजिका स्तोत्र। दुर्गा । Kavalam Srikumar |

Описание к видео Sidha Kunjika Stotram | सिद्दहकुंजिका स्तोत्र। दुर्गा । Kavalam Srikumar |

Sidha Kunjika Stotram | सिद्दहकुंजिका स्तोत्र। दुर्गा । Kavalam Srikumar |


Kunjika literally means “something overgrown or hidden by growth or growing things.” Siddha means perfection. Stotram is the song. The Song of Perfection which is no longer hidden because of growth. That is, our spiritual growth and understanding of the Chandi exposes the hidden meanings of the bija mantras in the Song.
This great Siddha Kunjika Stotram (The secret song of perfection) is chanted before the reading of Devi Mahatmya. It is more tantric in nature and has been taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvati.
Shiva said:
Listen oh Devi, let me tell you about the great prayer called Kunjika Stotra, by the effects of this mantra the recitation of Devi Mahatmya (Chandi) would become more auspicious and powerful.
There is no need to recite the preliminary stotras Kavacham, Argalam , Kilakam and the Rahasya. Nor is it necessary to recite Suktam, Dhyanam, Nyasam and also no need to worship.
Just by reading Kunjika Stotram is enough to get the benefit of reading Durgasapta Shati. This is a great secret and even the Devas don’t know this mantra.
Oh Parvati, this is very secret and thus should be kept because just by reading this great Kunjika Stotram bad practices like Marana (murder), Mohana (attraction), Vashya (slavery), Stambhana (paralysis by repeated chants) and Ucchatana (to send away) and others can be fully fructified.
Oh Parvati, this is very secret and thus should be kept because just by reading this great Kunjika Stotram bad practices like Marana (murder), Mohana (attraction), Vashya (slavery), Stambhana (paralysis by repeated chants) and Ucchatana (to send away) and others can be fully fructified.
Salutations to the embodiment of rage. Salutations to the killer of Madhu. Salutations to the winner over Kaidabha. Salutations to the killer of Mahisha. Salutations to the killer of Shumba and the killer of Nishumbha.
Oh Great Goddess, please let me become expert of this chant. Salutations to the Goddess who has the form of root mantras, who by the mantra Aim has the form of the creator, who by the mantra Hreem has the form of the protector.
Salutations to Her who by the mantra Kleem has the form of passion. Salutations to the Goddess who has the form made of mantras, To the Chamunda who is the killer of Chanda and who by chanting Yai grants boons.
Salutations to Her who by chanting Vicche, grants protection daily.
Dhaam, Dheem, Dhoom, the wife of Lord Shiva, Vaam, Veem , Voom , the goddess of speech, Kraam, Kreem, Kroom, the Goddess Kali, Saam, Seem, Soom, please do good.
Hoom, Hoom, She who has the form of the sound hoom, Jam, Jam, Jam, She who is like the thunderbolt of Indra, Bhraam, Bhreem, Bhroom, Goddess Bhairavi, Oh Goddess of the good, Oh Bhavani, salutations and salutations to You.
Aam, Kam, Tham, Tam , Pam , Yam, Sham, Veem, Dhoom , Aim , Veem, Ham, Ksham, the end of devotion, tear apart the end of devotion, throw and throw light, svaha. Paam, peem, poom, the daughter of the mountain who is complete, Khaam, Kheem, Khoom, She who is flying in the sky.
Saam, Seem, Soom, Get me mastery over the chant of the Goddess of Devi Mahatmya. This is the hymn of Kunjika which is the reason for awakening, Oh Parvati, keep it protected and kept it secret from those who are not devotees. Those who read Saptashati without this Kunjika, Would not reach the forest of perfection as it would be like a wail there.
Thus ends the Kunjika Stotram which occurs in the discussion between Shiva and Parvati, Which occurs in Gauri Tantra and which occurs in Sri Rudra Yamala.

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