Ambiance - Old Aperture Ambiance

Описание к видео Ambiance - Old Aperture Ambiance

After several years and many delays, the research team have finally been back to Michigan to learn more about the mysterious origins and inner workings of Aperture. This time they reportedly ventured far beyond the main control room into extremely unstable and treacherous areas. Our insider described this part of the facility as having an "eerie and unnerving feel". When asked to expand on his feelings he simply added "It felt like it was alive". He reported very strong air currents and gale force winds in some areas. Huge chains could be heard swinging high above with broken light fixtures and other hunks of metal attached to them. False floors had given way revealing seemingly bottomless pits. We were told that several recordings had been made while they were down there but we would only be given access to one of them. When questioned further about the other recordings our insider had no comment and said he had to leave. An old USB stick was left behind on the table. It contained an audio file, a photograph and an unreadable encrypted file.


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