DETEGO - Smart Fitting Room

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DETEGO - Smart Fitting Room

Innovative services for consumers and valuable insights into customer preferences.

Offer your customers an exceptional shopping experience with the Detego Smart Fitting Room. Changing cabins are one of the most important places in the entire store when it comes to making purchase decisions and plays a crucial role in providing support and additional services to consumers. These include product recommendations, such as matching items available in the store that can be brought directly to the fitting room by sales staff via a "call-to-assist" button. The customer can look up other products, check for availability, reserve articles or have them delivered directly from the store to their home. The interaction with articles stimulate additional sales and enables customers to relate with the store and the brand. Furthermore, retailers gain important data on customers’ preferences and are able to use this information for more targeted advertising campaigns. The Detego Smart Fitting Room is a store highlight for customers and retailers alike.


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