WICKED Chicken Mushroom Pie | Savoury and EASY Dish | Cook TIll You Drop

Описание к видео WICKED Chicken Mushroom Pie | Savoury and EASY Dish | Cook TIll You Drop


This is a easy pie recipe with little Ingredients. Chicken, Mushrooms, Onions and Double Cream - Nothing more needed. To make it even more interesting, I baked it in Puff Pastry. Before baking brush it with egg yolk and garlic powder - will give it a unique flavour. The crust of the Puff Pastry, tenderness of the chicken breast and savoury mushroom - nothing but perfect.

Take it to another level by adding white wine instead water. I made it for children - so no wine for me :-).


2 Chicken Breast
300g Mushroom
200ml Double cream
2Tbsp Flour
180 ml Water
Puff Pastry
Egg Yolk and garlic powder for the egg wash

For the filling:

Fry the chicken slices on medium to high heat for about 4 - 5 minutes until it gets golden brown. Then transfer chicken into a different bowl so the chicken won't be overcooked and stay juicy.

Cook the mushroom by frying them on a medium heat for about 5 - 7 minutes, use the same pan.
You will see that the mushroom will release water. To get rid of the water just increase the heat to a high flame and stir occasionally. It will take a further 2 - 3 mins, the water will evaporate and the mushrooms will gain a nice brown colour.

Add butter and finely chopped onion to the mushroom. Saute onions and rest for further 4 - 5 minutes.

Rosemary for some extra flavour and salt after taste.

Add 2 Tbsp flour, mix through and add 180ml of water. Bring it to a boil. Takes about 3 - 5 minutes.

Now mix in well the 200ml of double cream - don't cook it for too long. 5 minutes - until double cream is fully dissolved with the other ingredients. Keep the heat on low to medium heat so the sauce keeps its creamy consistency.

For the Baking

Bake it for 30 min on 175C ove settings - both side heated.



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