"Lust of Money"= "Pro usury Talmud"

Описание к видео "Lust of Money"= "Pro usury Talmud"

Rabbi Louis Finklestein (head of the Jewish Theological Seminary) said it most clearly in his 1948 book .."History of the Jews": "Pharisaism became Babylonian Talmudism ... therefore any discourse regarding the Jewish religion must be based on Babylonian Talmudism."

If one starts from this point of view ... Babylon captivity was the significant event instrumental in the indoctrination of the "Torah Jyacobites" as that seems to be where their "Star of Remphran/ (Seal of Soloman)" was initiated (given impetus) as part of their "Idolatry worship" since it is associated with the planet "Saturn (Night Sun/'Black' Sun/ [pre-Axis Shift )", and "Baal (Bull) / Nimrodic 'Obscene Elitism'". The "Chaldean astrology" (as part of this) justifying "(Saturn) Servility to the 'Exploiters'" also was a "Magi" factor ... and when combined with any possible remnant of the "Hammurabi Codes" which were the oldest preserved and organized "law" documents ever discovered ... this only further nurtured an already engrained belief system of "war and blood sacrifice" common to the "Abrahamics".

These "Hammurabi Codes" were the original foundation for all the Babylonian exploitative elitist economic concepts and comprised the first "written" essence of "Usury". And for the "Pharisee's" in a post-captivity existence (from 535 BC down thru the centuries)" ... the main development revealed (from this sophisticated Babylonian indoctrination) was the refined creation of an "Elitist Pharisee's Merchant Caste (of 'Power Brokers')".

Their actual WRITTEN authoritative position (known as the "Talmud") did not occur for at least 700+ years later (post-Babylon captivity) after many battles and arguments with the Sadducees, Greeks (and even others of their "own") especially over the latter's attempts to "WRITE" the "Oral Torah".

With the "Oral Torah" this "Merchant Caste" could easily engage more covertly in (i.e. get away with) their "Babylonian lessons (i.e. malpractices)" rather than having it written.

As for their own "Written Talmud (officially permitting the practice Usury)" ... this was only (finally) manifested centuries later after ...
1). the end of their constant wars and conflicts in decisive victories over their "Sadducee, Samarian, and Edomite competition ...
2). the relative sanctifying (by the Roman occupiers) of the "Merchant Caste and Sanhedrin Priesthood" over their impoverished Pharisee "peers" and ...
3). most importantly the elimination of any vociferous physical opponents to their "Usurious" practice's (eg. like Yeshua-Issa with his "Whip" in the Sanhedrin temple).

With this ... these "Predatory Elitist/ 'Money (ex-)Changing 'Bull (Usury)' worshippers'/ and 'Blood Sacrificers'" were allowed to thrive.

The Assyrian captivity influence of the "northern Jyacobites (previous to Babylon captivity of the "southern Jyacobites" ) was equally corruptive as that had also already included not only the
"Saturn ('Night Sun' Priesthood Elite) ... but also the "Moloch Minotaur Bull-Man (similar to the "Goat-man beast ...Pan)" and associated with "Child Sacrifice". In Babylon later ... the "Baal god" would also be representative of the "Bull Exploitative Usury (and blood sacrifice)".

The foundation of all the "Abraham" worshippers itself .... involves a "man" told to kill his son at Mt. Moriah, Canaan (or Mt. Arafat [Saudi Arabia] if one is from the "Ismael lineage") ... and he ends up killing a "goat/or ram" instead. The CONSCIOUSNESS of "Blood Sacrifice" is the end product (i.e. the methodic lesson for supposedly receiving "Rewards of Unending [unlimited] Wealth and Power") ... and "war" is a definite channel for this goal to be achieved.

However, that whole "Mindset" was very prevalent during this whole time period in earth's history (probably since the corruption and fall of Atlantis) but different civilizations seemingly had more
intense focuses on this type of activity than others. With the "Abrahamic" one (if it might be characterized as a "civilization") ... even this whole later issue of worshipping "king David".... is just the worship of his "war" exploits ... of which the particularly one highlighted is that one against the Canaanites in order to obtain the parcel of land on Mt. Moriah where that "Abraham Goat" was sacrificed... and build a temple to that. And via today's "Talmud" believer's ... if a human is considered a "Goy-gentile" ... they are no different than an "Animal".

Today this "sacrificing" concept also shows up in all the economic relations of commerce, exchange, and production manifesting as "Have not's" sacrificing for the "Have's", "Neo-colonized countries" sacrificing for the "Neo-colonizer countries" and the "Wage-slave's and Debt-slaves" sacrificing for the "Monopoly capital and financial capital" of the big central "Banksters" and UCC Corporations... (cont. below in "Comments")...


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