Klee Benally: Full Interview

Описание к видео Klee Benally: Full Interview

In his existence, Klee left many gifts. In 2022, we had the pleasure of recording this interview with him for the docuseries. Though we had hoped to consult Klee for his insight while we edited, we’re now tasked with the responsibility of applying his wisdom and teachings as we carry forward in this work.

This interview is just a glimpse into the curiosity, warmth, mischievousness, and groundedness that Klee embodied. In it, he shares his experience as a Diné Anarchist, his thoughts on mutual aid, and his encouragements to everyone “constantly trying to bang their heads and tear down fucking walls.”

Please enjoy this gift. We’re deeply honored to pass it on.

Klee lives!

Diné Bizaad translations by Jaiden Willeto (@bb.jaiden on Instagram)


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