How to build a time machine

Описание к видео How to build a time machine

How to Assemble The Time Machine.

Produced and directed by Carl Piermarini

The Replica 1960 Time Machine Prop
by Carl Piermarini
was restored and rewired by Carl Piermarini
and Alan Redstone.

Additional crew members: Jack Celli,
Bradley Bedard and Keith DiPerri

Special Thanks To:
Christine Piermarini
Wavelengths Pro Audio

This program is covered under Title 17
U.S.C. Copyright footage and/or images
used under fair use for criticism and
educational purposes.

This is a fan-made project.
All “The Time Machine” logos, images,
copyrights, trademarks,
and Intellectual property are
owned by MGM/UA Home Video
and Warner Home Video.
This fan made production is not endorsed by,
sponsored by, nor affiliated with MGM,
Warner, or any other “The Time Machine”
distribution franchise.
This is a non-commercial fan-made
film intended for recreational use.
No commercial exhibition
or distribution is permitted.
This video receives no monetary
and/or advertisement compensation.
No alleged independent rights
will be asserted against MGM
or Warner companies.

The music cues from the original
motion picture soundtrack
of the 1960 film “The Time Machine”
were composed and conducted
by Russell Garcia,
and the soundtrack is courtesy
of and produced by Arnold Leibovit,
and available through GNP Crescendo label.
The footage and video of this
prop replica is Copyright 2019 by Carl Piermarini.
This program has been produced through
the facilities of Leominster Access Television.

No, unfortunately, this is NOT a real time machine.

Watch this video about the creation of George Pal Time Machine Prop here:
   • Time Travel - The 1960 George Pal "Th...  


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