Luc Hermann: “Rock art of Kyrgyzstan: an overview”

Описание к видео Luc Hermann: “Rock art of Kyrgyzstan: an overview”

For the conference series Parlando di Arte Rupestre (Talking about rock art) Luc Hermann presents: “Rock art of Kyrgyzstan: an overview”

More than 30 rock art sites are known in Kyrgyzstan, a mountainous country of Central Asia. Unfortunately, many of them are still not documented, although there are extremely rich, both in quality and in quantity. Some sites at 3000 m a.s.l. are difficult to reach or only accessible a couple of weeks in Summer.
In Kyrgyzstan, petroglyphs were mostly made during five different periods: the Bronze Age; the Iron Age; the Old Turkic period (between 700 and 1200 AD); the Kyrgyz ethnographic period (between 1700 and 1920) and the Soviet epoch (b).
A general overview of the rock art of Kyrgyzstan is proposed in this online conference. After a brief description of the main sites, the conference will be focused on the chronological and thematical evolution of rock art in this country.

Picture: Saimaluu-Tash, Kyrgyzstan


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